SANORD 2024 3MT Winners: Pioneering Research from the Nordic and Southern Regions Take the Stage at UWC
December 2024, University of the Western Cape, South Africa – The 2024 SANORD (Southern African-Nordic Centre) Annual Conference featured the eagerly anticipated 3MT (Three Minute Thesis) competition, where researchers from the Nordic and Southern African regions showcased their groundbreaking work.
Conference Delegate Support, SANORD Conference 2025
A limited number of conference delegate support are available for SANORD member institutions. Students and staff from SANORD member institutions in the Southern Africa region are eligible to apply for CDS.
Call for Hosts: 2026 and 2027 Annual SANORD Conferences
The South African-Nordic Research Network (SANORD) is pleased to invite its member universities to submit their letters of intent to host the 2026 Annual SANORD Conference in the North, and the 2027 Annual SANORD Conference in the Nordic Region.
SANORD 3MT 2025 Call is now open!
Call open for SANORD universities to submit a letter of interest
SANORD Annual Conference 2025: Call now open!
We are thrilled to announce that Aarhus University, Denmark, will host the highly anticipated 2025 SANORD Annual Conference!
SANORD 2024 Conference: A Successful Handing Over of the Torch and Reflections and closing remarks
As the 16th Annual SANORD Conference hosted by the University of the Western Cape (UWC) came to a close, a momentous transition took place, marking both the end of one chapter and the beginning of another for the SANORD network.
SANORD 2024 conference through images.
Social and Epistemic Justice in Action December 4-6, 2024 | University of the Western Cape, Bellville Campus, Cape Town, South Africa
SANORD 2024 Conference: A Warm Welcome from Prof. Jose Frantz
We are excited to officially open the 16th Annual SANORD Conference, hosted by the University of the Western Cape (UWC), and chaired by Prof. Jose Frantz, Chairperson of the Scientific Committee and Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation at UWC.
SANORD 2024 Annual report
The SANORD 2024 Annual Report showcases the progress and achievements of our vibrant community throughout the year. As we continue to expand our network of scholars, researchers, and institutions committed to advancing sustainable development, we celebrate the milestones that have defined our collective efforts.
Join Us for the Finnish-African Networking Event!
We are excited to invite SANORD conference workshop participants to a special networking event hosted by the Finland-Africa Platform for Innovation (FAPI) and the Finnish and Southern African Higher Education Institutions Network for Health and Wellbeing (SAFINET).
Countdown to the SANORD Conference 2024 – Join Us for a Transformative Experience!
We’re thrilled to announce the upcoming SANORD Conference 2024, hosted at the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town, South Africa, from December 4-6.
2024 SANORD Conference Delegate Support (CDS) application open!
A limited number of conference delegate support are available for SANORD member institutions. Students and staff from SANORD member institutions in the Southern Africa and Nordic region are eligible to apply for CDS.
SANORD Conference 2024 Registration
Welcome to the official registration page for the SANORD Conference 2024! This year, we are excited to explore the theme: “Social and Epistemic Justice: Imagining Sustainable Futures through Agency”.
SANORD En Route at EAIE 2024
September 20, 2024 — Toulouse, France: The European Association for International Education (EAIE) Conference wrapped up its highly anticipated four-day event in Toulouse on Friday, marking a transformative moment for global education.
SANORD at the 26th Annual IEASA Conference: Strengthening Internationalisation in Challenging Times
The 26th Annual IEASA Conference, held at the Radisson Hotel & Convention Centre in Johannesburg, proved to be an invaluable platform for SANORD to engage with leading voices in higher education internationalisation. With this year’s theme, “Navigating Internationalisation in Challenging Times,” the conference offered crucial insights and fresh perspectives that will enhance our mission of fostering collaboration between Southern Africa and the Nordic countries.
A Tribute to Professor Brian O’Connell
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Professor Brian O’Connell, a remarkable leader, educator, and visionary.
Extension of Deadline for Conference Abstract Submissions
We are pleased to inform you that the deadline for abstract submissions for the upcoming conference has been extended to 14 August 2024.
SANORD 2024 Conference Call now open!
We are excited to announce the Call for Abstracts for the SANORD Conference 2024, themed “Social and Epistemic Justice: Imagining Sustainable Futures through Agency,” hosted by the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town, South Africa from December 4th to 6th, 2024.
SANORD Administrators workshop
Are you an administrator in the higher education sector seeking ways to facilitate smoother international collaborations for your department, faculty or university?
Virtual Workshop: Finding solutions to administrative challenges faced by researchers through COIL
SANORD Central Office cordially invites you to the upcoming Virtual Workshop, titled “Finding solutions to administrative challenges faced by researchers through COIL.”
The 2024 Brian O’Connell (BOC) Scholarship Programme call is now open for applications
The SANORD Network would like to invite all eligible students from the SANORD network to apply for 2024 Brian O’Connell (BOC) Scholarship Programme.
CATER School on Transdisciplinary Climate Risk and Action Arusha, 21 October- 1 Nov 2024
SANORD sponsors one PhD student/ or -doc from a SANORD member institution in Southern Africa to the CATER School on Transdisciplinary Climate Risk and Action in Tanzania, October 2024.
Call for Proposals: Hosting SANORD Conference 2025(Nordic) and 2026 (Southern Africa)
The SANORD Board is pleased to inform you that the call for proposals to host the 2023 and 2024 Annual SANORD Conferences is now open.
SANORD 3MT 2024 Call is now open!
Call open for SANORD universities to submit a letter of interest.
SANORD 2023 Annual report
This report covers the period 1 December 2022– December 2023. The report gives a detailed description of the SANORD Central Office’s (SCO) activities in terms of its office operations, Secretariat function, Research Working Group, and the vital input from our Contact Persons at each member institution in the SANORD network.
SANORD Webinar Invitation
SANORD Central Office cordially invites you to the upcoming webinar, titled “Sustainable Energy: Opportunities for Co-creation and Collaboration.”
University of the Western Cape to Host 2024 SANORD Annual Scientific Conference
The University of the Western Cape (UWC) is pleased to host the 16th Southern African-Nordic Centre (SANORD) Annual Scientific Conference from 4-6 December 2024, at the UWC Bellville Campus – Cape Town, South Africa.
SANORD offers a dynamic learning experience for individuals seeking to kickstart their careers.
SANORD 2023 Conference in Hamar, Norway
We would like to thank all the conference delegates for a successful SANORD conference hosted by Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences in the picturesque city of Hamar, Norway.
3-Minute Thesis early career researchers
3MT: 3-Minute Thesis early career researchers’ Showcase hosted by the SANORD central Office.
Sucsess project
This handbook is intended to be a practical guide for lecturers in South African universities for introducing new pedagogies and technologies into their teaching.
SANORD 2023 International conference in Hamar
More than 300 participants from 61 institutions in 14 countries attended the SANORD conference in Hamar on 20-22 September:
SANORD 2023 Conference Day 2-Thursday Sept 21
Day 2 of the program saw a Keynote 2: Vice Chancellor prof. Kenneth Matengu, University of Namibia.
SANORD 2023 Conference Day 3
Keynote 3: Emerita Victoria Thoresen, former UNESCO chair holder, Centre for Collaborative Learning for Sustainable Development, INN.
SANORD Heritage Day Celebration 2023
On 27 September 2023 SANORD hosted a heritage day in association with the University of the Western Cape.
SANORD attended the 2023 Knocking on the door of Higher Education Institutions – The AU-EU Innovation Agenda and the Involvement of Nordic actors
Panel Debate: What is the added value deriving from an enhanced engagement of Nordic HEI’s into the new AU-EU Innovation Agenda?
INN University elected to SANORD leadership
We would like to congratulate the New SANORD Vice-Chair for the period of 2024-2026.
2023 Brian O’Connell (BOC) Scholarship Programme
The SANORD Network would like to invite all eligible students from the SANORD network to apply for this wonderful opportunity.
“KNOCKING ON THE DOOR OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: the AU-EU Innovation Agenda and the involvement of Nordic actors”
On behalf of Nordic Universities, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the HYBRID event:
SANORD and INN welcome you to the 15th Annual SANORD Conference in Hamar.
Welcome to the SANORD 2023 Conference in Hamar in the picturesque city of Hamar, Norway!
SANORD 3MT- Webinar Series 2023
SANORD Central Office cordially invites you to the upcoming webinar, titled: Three Minute Thesis webinar.
Programme SANORD conference 2023
The conference is organized every year for the Southern African Nordic Centre (SANORD) network. The network aims to promote academic cooperation between regions in southern Africa and the Nordic countries.
SANORD conference 2023 – Resources
The SANORD 2023 configuration is approaching, and we are looking forward to welcoming you to Hamar in a few weeks!
Education Minister Douglas Syakalima from Zambia will be coming to Hamar in September to take part in the SANORD 2023 conference as a keynote speaker
INN University is pleased to announce Education Minister Douglas Syakalima from Zambia as keynote speaker at the upcoming SANORD conference in Hamar in September 2023
SANORD First edition Newsletter 2023
Welcome to our first edition of the SANORD Newsletter!
SANORD 3MT- Competition 2023
Call open for SANORD universities to submit letter of interest.
Webinar – Trends in Internationalisation: A critical perspective from the South
Internationalisation remains an important element of higher education collaboration. It is motivated by a variety of political, economic, sociocultural, and intellectual factors. It has transformed from a minor activity to a crucial component of the transformation agenda.
The Call for NORPART is now open: Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation
Call for Applications 2023 The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) announces up to NOK 145 million in grants to project partnerships, in addition to NOK 30 million for financing of full degree master’s scholarships in Norway for students from the partner institutions in the Global South.
Conference Grant (Partial- funding)
A limited number of conference grants are available for SANORD member institutions. Students and staff from SANORD member institutions in the South are eligible to apply for CDS.
Registration to SANORD Conference 2023 in Hamar is now open
It is our pleasure to invite you all to register for the Hamar conference.
25th IEASA Annual Conference 2023: Registration is now open!
Having marked its 25th anniversary in 2022, the International Education Association of South Africa (IEASA) takes great pleasure in inviting you to its 25th Annual Conference, which will form the highlight of IEASA’s silver jubilee celebrations in 2023.
The CATER Schools on Transdisciplinary Climate Risk Adaptation and Action
We are excited to announce the first in a planned series of annual schools on Transdisciplinary Climate Risk Adaptation and Action.
FIB/TEM Short Course: Basics of the Method and it’s Applications in Geosciences
The workshop will enhance scientific discussions among the participants, and new potential research ideas and interdisciplinary collaborations are destined to be designed in the walls of UWC.
SANORD Vice-Chair Elections 2023
By now you should have received an automated email regarding the SANORD Elections and to cast the votes for your institutions.
SANORD Abstract submission extension
Dear SANORD community, we would like to notify you that the deadline for abstract submissions has been extended until 26 April.
SANORD DAY April 19th 2023
SANORD Day in association with UiB and HVL hosted a regional engagement on 19 April 2023 at UiB, Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen. Umesh Bawa, Director of SANORD was in attendance to promote collaboration and research opportunities within the network.
The SANORD conference will take place between 20-22 September 2023, hosted by INN University, Hamar campus
It is our pleasure to invite you all to Hamar for the 2023 SANORD conference
Precision Medicine Trilateral Symposium
The University of the Western Cape, Ghent University and the University of Missouri’s joint symposium
UniPID workshop: North-South academic collaborations: responsible partnerships for the future.
The Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID) cordially invites you to the workshop North-South academic collaborations: responsible partnerships for the future at the Development Days Conference 2023
IEASA’s 25th Annual Conference
IEASA invites contributions from academics and researchers, professional practitioners, educators, students, innovators, leaders as well as organisations working in international higher education to its Jubilee Conference.
SANORD 2022 Conference in Limpopo
The SANORD Central Office (SCO) would like to thank all the 2022 conference delegates for your contributions towards the conference in the beautiful province of Polokwane, South Africa.
109-year-old Norwegian vessel ‘Statsraad Lehmkuhl’ docked at Table Bay
The ‘Statsraad Lehmkuhl’ is partway through the 20-month One Ocean Expedition research expedition circumnavigating the globe.
The Statsraad Lehmkuhl, a Norwegian sailing vessel, is sailing around the world as part of the One Ocean Expedition.
In August of 2021, Statsraad Lehmkuhl set sail from Norway and began The One Ocean Expedition, a twenty-month long circumnavigation of the globe.
A ship full of students
A few days into the new year Statsraad Lehmkuhl sets sail and heads towards one of the world’s strongest ocean currents.
One Ocean Conversations: Reflections and Experiences
At the 14th SANORD International Conference
2022 SANORD Conference 3-Minute Thesis competition.
The 3 Minute Thesis is a competition where doctoral candidates present their research in three minutes.
SANORD 2021-22 Annual report
The SANORD 2021-2022 Annual Report indicates the activities and processes of SANORD community. This includes academic activities, scholarly engagement and community activities.
SANORD 2022 Council Meeting Pack
The SANORD 2022 Council meeting pack includes the reporting of activities, minutes of previous meeting and the 2021 and 2022 audited Financial Report.
SANORD Financial Report: 2022
The SANORD 2022 Financial report includes audited financials of SANORD accounts and activities.
SANORD conference programme 2022
SANORD conference programme 2022 {{ vc_btn: title=DOWNLOAD+FULL+PROGRAMME&style=custom&custom_background=%230d2930&custom_text=%23ffffff&shape=square&align=center&button_block=true& }}{{ vc_btn: title=RETURN+TO+SITE&style=custom&custom_background=%230d2930&custom_text=%23ffffff&shape=square&align=center&button_block=true&link=url%3A%252Fhome&url= }}
University of Eastern Finland announces its Global Development Policy
The University of Eastern Finland has partners in 40 countries in the Global South. The strategic internationalisation goals of the university integrate sustainable development, promotion of equality and global responsibility into its research, education and societal interaction.
Build up Event – The 14th SANORD International Conference Hybrid Seminar with Prof Mokoena
The University of Limpopo in association with SANORD would like to extend a warm invitation to the third build-up event for the SANORD 2022 Conference in Limpopo.
SANORD and One Ocean expedition
We would like to extend a warm invitation to all SANORD members who may be in and around Cape Town to join us on board the One Ocean expedition on 17 January for SANORD regional meeting and symbolic handover of the SANORD Chair.
Change Everything: Racial Capitalism, Abolition, and the Necessity for Militant Scholarship
The Faculty of the Arts and Humanities, the Centre for Humanities Research and the Department of Anthropology are pleased to invite you to The Annual Distinguished Dean’s Lecture by Professor Ruth Wilson Gilmore
Confucius Institute Grand Office Opening
The International Relations Office at the University of the Western Cape is pleased to announce the successful grand opening of the Confucius Institute at the University of the Western Cape.
Build up Event-The 14th SANORD International Conference Hybrid Seminars
An invitation to a panel discussion
Build up Event-The 14th SANORD International Conference
Invitation to a panel Discussion
Topic: Steering Higher Education Academia During and post COVID -19: Enhancing aspirations of SDGs
UWC’s Prof Osman Gets Honorary Doctorate in Norway
The “outstanding” lifetime contribution of the former Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry – Professor Yusuf Ismail Osman – to the dentistry field has earned him an honorary doctorate from the University of Oslo (UiO) in Norway.
2022 SANORD Conference Registration: University of Limpopo
Due to the delay in notifications, the committee has agreed to extend the Early registration deadline to 30 September 2022. Late registration will be from 1 October 2022.
SANORD Conference 2022
5-7 December 2022 at University of Limpopo, Polokwane South Africa
SANORD 3MT- Competition 2022
Call open for SANORD universities to submit letter of interest.
Teacher education co-development in southern Africa and Finland
9th August 13.30-15.00 EEST/SAST
Hosting the SANORD Chair and team from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
The SANORD Central Office (SCO) in Cape Town, South Africa had the immense pleasure of hosting the SANORD Chair and team from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences during their visit 21-25 February 2022.
24th IEASA Annual Conference 2022: Registration is now open
The International Education Association of South Africa (IEASA) invites you to its 24th Conference, which will be held online from 24 to 26 August 2022. This year’s theme is “Reigniting and Reimagining Internationalisation of Higher Education in South Africa”.
Call for Proposals: Hosting SANORD 2023 and 2024 Annual Conferences
The SANORD Board is pleased to inform you that the Call for Proposals to host the 2023 and 2024 Annual SANORD Conferences are now open.
Nordic Global Health Talks
A monthly webinar series about global health from the Nordic universities
Jaydi Charles 2020 Brian O’Connell Scholarship(BOC) recipient.
Jaydi Charles is a MTECH graduate of the University Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT). In 2020 Jaydi was awarded the BOC Scholarship and had the opportunity to travel to Karstad University in Sweden.
SDG Conference Bergen 2022: Ways of knowing, modes of living
The challenges and existential threats that underlie the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) demand action.
9–11 February 2022
SANORD 2022 Conference at University of Limpopo
After a successful pitch that positioned the University of Limpopo (UL) as a research-oriented and destination of choice, the institution has been confirmed as the host of the 2022 Southern African-Nordic Centre (SANORD) Annual Scientific Conference.
SANORD-FAPI Special Interest Group on Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
The Southern African-Nordic Centre SANORD is a network of more than 50 higher education institutions in southern Africa and the Nordic countries, and a forum to advance academic collaboration between the Nordic and the southern African regions.
3MT Winners 2021
3MT Winners 2021 Annastasia Shipepe: A design study on the impact of educational robotics and sensor technology in Namibia Annastasia Shipepe is a Namibian doctoral […]
SANORD Elections2022-2023
By now you should have received an automated email regarding the SANORD Elections and to cast the votes for your institutions.
University of Turku – Winner of 3MThesis Competition.
The 3MT Final at the University of Turku was held on 5 March 2020.
Webinar on Innovations for Sustainable Development
On 24 August 2021 at 12:00-14:00 CAT/SAST, 13:00-15:00 EEST
On 1 July 2021, the South African Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI Act) came into effect.
SANORD-SAFINET Webinar on Collaboration in Health and Well-being
Tampere University in Finland invites Southern African higher education institutions’ staff and students to participate in a webinar on collaboration in health and well-being on 17 June at 12:00-14:00 CAT/SAST 13:00-15:00 EEST.
Neuro-Innovation PhD Programmes
The University of Eastern Finland invites applications for seven Early Stage Researcher (Doctoral Student) positions in the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Cofund DP project Neuro-Innovation: Research and innovation for brain health throughout life.
2021 Brian O’Connell (BOC) Scholarship Programme
SANORD is proud to announce the 2021 Call for Applications for the BOC Scholarship Programme is now open to all our members.
SANORD is proud to announce the 2021 Call for Proposals for Seed Funding is now open to all our members.
SANORD 3MT- Competition 2021
Call open for SANORD universities to submit letter of interest.
SANORD 2021 – Updated
The conference registration is open and will close tomorrow, 3 September 2021. Registration is free hence we encourage and invite all interested stakeholders to register by tomorrow.
We look forward to a few days of fruitful engagements and interesting discussions.
Bergen Summer Research School 2021
The annual Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS) for PhD students and junior researchers takes place 7-17 June 2021 as a full digital event and free of charge for participants.
Swedish Institute Scholarships for South Africa (SISSA)
Opens for applications 8 February – The call for SI scholarships for master’s studies in Sweden, starting in the autumn of 2021 has been now published.
Inauguration of UWC Press and Book launch
Inauguration of UWC Press and Book launch Date: 5 November 2020 Time: 18h00 (SA time) The event will be followed by the launch of the […]
POSTPONEMENT of 2020 SANORD Research and Scholarship Calls
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected programmes and affected international face-toface collaboration across our organisation.
A Study Commissioned for Development Policy
Connecting Africa – Perspectives for Energy, Transport, Digitalisation and Research and Innovation
Plug-in campus promotes cross-cultural learning, innovation
The Future Tech Lab, a plug-in campus set up within the main campus of the University of Namibia (UNAM) in Windhoek by Finnish higher education institution the University of Turku (UTU) is not only helping to produce local software engineers but is at the forefront of student-led cross-cultural innovation through its remote linking of student collaborators in Namibia and Finland.
Psychology of Racism in the Light of the Black Lives Matter Movement
Psychologists, Prof Norman Duncan, Prof Shose Kessi & Prof Kopano Ratele and moderated by Prof Garth Stevens.
Support staff and long shadow implications of COVID-19
How prepared are university administrators to keep pace with the new (intangible) normal?
Garth Newman Psychology
An e-book to help parents and kids deal with the scary and inevitable return to school, and anxiety in general.
Education and Empathy in the time of Covid-19
A letter by Umesh Bawa – Director: International Relations , University of the Western Cape
UWC welcome Howest
A Zoom Classroom which would enhance digital engagement in real-time was formally launched.
SANORD letter of solidarity
SANORD supports all our nations targeted interventions to protect the health, livelihood and safety of the citizenry.
2019 Brian O’Connell Scholarship Programme Results
The results of the Brian O’Connell Scholarship programme have been announced. The five scholarship recipients will travel to their academic destinations in 2020!
2019 Theme Group Projects Results
The results of the 2019 Theme Group Projects funding programme have been announced. Six research projects were awarded.
13th SANORD Annual Scientific Conference -Postponed
The 13th SANORD Annual Scientific Conference will take place in Bergen, Norway, in September 2020. The hosts, University of Bergen and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences are already preparing!
SANORD 3MT- Competition 2020
September 2019 – call opens for SANORD universities to submit letter of interest.
[Application Closed] 2019 Theme Group Projects call for applications
SANORD is proud to announce a new Call for Applications is now open.
[Application Closed] 2019BRIAN O’ CONNELL (BOC) Scholarship Programme
Vice chancellors from Nordic and Southern African institutions with SANORD leadership participating at the conference
Call for Proposals to host the 2021 and 2022 Annual Conferences
SANORD Board is pleased to inform you that the Call for Proposals to host the 2021 and 2022 Annual Conferences are now open.
Theme Group Projects 2018 Results
SANORD is proud to announce that the following projects were awarded research funding to the value of R60 000.
The 2019 International Conference – Botswana
The 12th SANORD Annual Scientific Conference was hosted by the University of Botswana in Gaborone, Botswana. The theme; “Role of Higher Education in Forging Sustainable Livelihoods” was selected because of its alignment to the Strategic Development Goals (SDGs).
The 11th annual international Conference
Vice chancellors from Nordic and Southern African institutions with SANORD leadership participating at the conference
Universities’ Role in Society Discussed at SANORD Visit
On Monday, 13 August, academics from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Tanzania visited the University of Turku.
University of Turku Establishes Degree Programme in Namibia
Vice chancellors from Nordic and Southern African institutions with SANORD leadership participating at the conference
University of Turku Graduate School Doctoral Programmes
funded doctoral candidate positions and/or the right to study for a doctoral degree
Documentary Launch: Ageism in the time of COVID-19
The event will be held as a hybrid event at the UEF Kuopio Campus Snellmania Auditorium SN201 and on Zoom.
SANORD 2018 CONFERENCE – Registration Open
We are happy to announce that registration is now open for SANORD 2018 conference. University of Jyväskylä, Finland will be hosting this year´s conference on 15 – 17 August, 2018.
The 11th International SANORD conference 15 – 17 August 2018 Jyväskylä, Finland
We are happy to announce that registration is now open for SANORD 2018 conference. University of Jyväskylä, Finland will be hosting this year´s conference on 15 – 17 August, 2018.
Theme Group Projects for seed funding for 2017
The SANORD Board is pleased to announce the awarded Theme Group Projects for seed funding for 2017.
REPORT on the SANORD Conference in Uppsala, Sweden September 7-9, 2016
Considering the environment UU decided that there was no printed abstract book, only a short printed programme.
“Hosting High-Level Researchers” of the French National Research Agency
This funding instrument is open to scientists from all scientific fields and enables researchers from any country to carry out an ambitious research project in a reputable institution in France.
Theme Group Projects 2014
The SANORD Board is pleased to announce the awarded Theme Group Projects for seed funding for 2016.
Research Scholarship 2009
SANORD is a deliberately low-budget organisation, designed to make the best use of synergies with activities at all member institutions.