SASUF Call for Proposals
Hosting the SANORD Chair and team from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
19/07/2022Documentary Launch: Ageism in the time of COVID-19
August 10th 10.30-11.30 EEST/SAST
During this event, the University of Eastern Finland and University of Namibia launch a short documentary ‘Finland and Namibia Standing in Solidarity for the Human Rights of Older People: Ageism during Covid-19’ which captures the first-hand, the experiences of social work academics, practitioners and older people living in Namibia and Finland concerning the challenges in health and social care provision to older people and how ageism under the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic became an inherent source of discrimination, abuse and oppression. Despite the socio-cultural and economic differences between Finland and Namibia, the documentary brings older people, professional and academics together and makes an appeal from both countries for an urgent re-examination of university based social work education in prompting theories, skills, and interventions for promoting human rights across the life course.
The documentary film production was produced by Mounir Ould Setti of Science Stories, through the FinCEAL + BRIDGES programme administered by the Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID) and funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland. The project team consisted of Professor Janet Carter Anand and Ms Natalie Joubert of the University of Eastern Finland and Professor Janet Ananias and Dr Rachel Freeman of the University of Namibia.