Documentary Launch: Ageism in the time of COVID-19
16/08/2018Universities’ Role in Society Discussed at SANORD Visit
31/08/2018University of Turku Graduate School Doctoral ProgrammesCall for applications is open 3 – 21 September 2018
(funded doctoral candidate positions and/or the right to study for a doctoral degree)
There will be nearly fifty open vacancies for fixed-term doctoral candidate positions at the University of Turku from 1 January 2019 onwards. The call for applications will be open 3–21 September 2018. This is already the sixth year for all the 16 doctoral programmes to open their call for applications simultaneously.
Consisting of 16 doctoral programmes, the University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS) coordinates the doctoral training at the University of Turku. All the doctoral candidates pursuing their degree in the University belong to one of the doctoral programmes, which cover all the disciplines of the University.
The doctoral candidate positions can be applied through the doctoral programmes, and the positions can be applied both by current doctoral candidates as well as new applicants. The fixed-term doctoral candidate positions are intended for full-time doctoral dissertation research and doctoral studies with the aim of completing the doctoral degree in four years.
The University of Turku Graduate School finances altogether nearly 200 doctoral candidates every year. The selected doctoral candidates work as part of a multidisciplinary research university that offers high quality education. In recent years, the University of Turku has invested especially in supporting doctoral dissertation supervision and digitalising the entire span of doctoral education.
The call for applications will open 3 September at the UTUGS website.