SANORD 2022 Conference in Limpopo
The SANORD conference will take place between 20-22 September 2023, hosted by INN University, Hamar campus
20/02/2023UniPID workshop: North-South academic collaborations: responsible partnerships for the future.
The Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID) cordially invites you to the workshop North-South academic collaborations: responsible partnerships for the future at the Development Days Conference 2023
When: 17 February 2023
Where: Online (Zoom link will be sent closer to the event)
Time: 10:30-12 GMT+3 (Helsinki, Time)
Welcome to an interactive workshop with UniPID on responsible practices for the future! In this workshop we will present, further discuss, and reflect on the themes of the complementary ethical guidelines for Global South related research and academic collaboration that the network is currently working on. The aim is to gather the academic community’s direct feedback and input, as well as to initiate a dialogue on the guidelines’ implications for policy-level transformations related to the unequal structures of north-south collaboration.
UniPID promotes building responsible, equitable, and long-lasting global academic partnerships, and aims to support knowledge-based policy and decision making. The Network acts as a partner, mediator, and facilitator in linking academics with policy makers. Within this framework, UniPID has been developing the ethical guidelines for working with the Global South, to complement the existing Finnish national guidelines by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity (TENK). The work is supported by an international steering group, with representation from different national and regional organizations focused on research integrity. The overall aim of the complementary guidelines is to provide the academic community with a conceptual framework and practical tools for creating equitable approaches to their academic work in or in collaboration with the Global South, based on the ever-growing need to transform the power relations framing North-South relations.
The tentative agenda of the workshop includes a presentation of the initiative, followed by a facilitated discussion between participants. The goal will be to contribute to the work in progress by collecting different perspectives and feedback from the conference participants and encouraging a dialogue on the implications for scaling up the good practices highlighted in the guidelines to policy level recommendations.
You can register now here: UniPID at the Development Days Conference 2023 – UniPiD .
Registration is open until 13 February 2023.
For more information
please contact Kelly Brito, kelly.brito@helsinki.fi