IEASA’s 25th Annual Conference
SANORD DAY April 19th 2023
20/04/2023The SANORD conference will take place between 20-22 September 2023, hosted by INN University, Hamar campus
It is our pleasure to invite you all to Hamar for the 2023 SANORD conference
The topic for this year’s conference is “The role of higher education in contributing to just and sustainable futures.” The world is facing several immense crises, and as part of our mission at INN University, we seek to contribute to solving some of these. We have excellent research communities working on topics such as education, health, natural resource management, agriculture and biotechnology, among others.
We invite the submission of abstracts for paper presentations, full symposiums, workshops and panel discussions. We welcome submissions from a range of perspectives and disciplines, including but not limited to education, health, environment, agriculture, wildlife management, sustainability, social and environmental justice, digital technologies, crisis management and innovation – particularly in a North-South collaboration perspective.
The deadline for abstract submission is 15 April 2023. Abstracts should be limited to 250 words for paper presentations. Proposals for workshops, symposiums and roundtable sessions must be uploaded as a pdf and containing all necessary details. To submit your abstract, please upload it here.
We look forward to receiving your submissions and hope to see you at the conference!
Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 April 2023
Notification of accepted abstract: 1 May 2023
Registration opens: 1 May 2023
Registration closes: 15 August 2023