“Hosting High-Level Researchers” of the French National Research Agency
Theme Group Projects for seed funding for 2017
25/08/2017Considering the environment UU decided that there was no printed abstract book, only a short printed programme. All delegates got an USB stick with the abstracts presentations, presentation of the keynote speakers and the full programme. All these documents was also easily downloaded from the conference website, www.uu.se/sanord2016
- The Contact Persons Meeting was held on Sept 7 at 10.30-12.30 at Hotel Linné
- The Board Meeting was held on Sept 7 at 13.30-15.30 at Hotel Linné
- The Council Meeting was held on Sept 9 at 13.30-15.30 at Campus Blåsenhus
The social activities for the Conference:
- Sept 7: Welcome Reception (for all delegates. Ca 100 people) VIP dinner hosted by VC Eva Åkesson (for invitees only)
- Sept 8: Conference Dinner at Norrlands nation (for all delegates)
- Sept 9: Tour to and dinner in Old Uppsala – the religious capital of the Vikings
(for all delegates. Approx 60 people)
Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) hosted a “meet and mingle” session on Wednesday September 7, between the Contact Persons Meeting and the Round-table.
A Round-table Discussion was held on September 7, and was open to the public. Approx 120 attended the round-table): Beyond New Public Management? A panel discussion on the possibilities, limitations and future of public-private partnerships in development initiatives President Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, President of Mauritius, Republic of Mauritius Prof. Al Mtjenje, Pro Vice-Chancellor of University of Malawi
Lena Ingelstam, Director of Partnerships & Innovations, Sida Dr. Florencia Enghel, Researcher, Stockholm University, Sweden Moderator: Dr. Caroline Wamala Larsson, Programme Manager vid Spider – the Swedish Program for ICT in developing regions.
Conference fee:
Delegates from Nordic countries: SEK 4900
Delegates from Southern African countries SEK 3900