
Jaydi Charles 2020 Brian O’Connell Scholarship(BOC) recipient.

Jaydi Charles is a MTECH graduate of the University Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT). In 2020 Jaydi was awarded the BOC Scholarship and had the opportunity to travel to Karstad University in Sweden.

SANORD 2022 Conference at University of Limpopo

After a successful pitch that positioned the University of Limpopo (UL) as a research-oriented and destination of choice, the institution has been confirmed as the host of the 2022 Southern African-Nordic Centre (SANORD) Annual Scientific Conference.

SANORD-FAPI Special Interest Group on Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

The Southern African-Nordic Centre SANORD is a network of more than 50 higher education institutions in southern Africa and the Nordic countries, and a forum to advance academic collaboration between the Nordic and the southern African regions.

SANORD Suggestion Box

The SANORD Suggestion Box serves as a dedicated platform for members to share their valuable feedback, ideas, and suggestions to enhance the effectiveness and impact of SANORD.

Whether you wish to highlight positive experiences, address concerns, or propose improvements, this tool provides a direct channel for open and constructive communication with the SANORD Central Office.

Your input is instrumental in fostering collaboration and continuous improvement within the SANORD network. We encourage all members to contribute their insights to help shape a stronger and more responsive organization.