
Webinar – Trends in Internationalisation: A critical perspective from the South

Internationalisation remains an important element of higher education collaboration. It is motivated by a variety of political, economic, sociocultural, and intellectual factors. It has transformed from a minor activity to a crucial component of the transformation agenda.

The Call for NORPART is now open: Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation

Call for Applications 2023 The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) announces up to NOK 145 million in grants to project partnerships, in addition to NOK 30 million for financing of full degree master’s scholarships in Norway for students from the partner institutions in the Global South.

SANORD Suggestion Box

The SANORD Suggestion Box serves as a dedicated platform for members to share their valuable feedback, ideas, and suggestions to enhance the effectiveness and impact of SANORD.

Whether you wish to highlight positive experiences, address concerns, or propose improvements, this tool provides a direct channel for open and constructive communication with the SANORD Central Office.

Your input is instrumental in fostering collaboration and continuous improvement within the SANORD network. We encourage all members to contribute their insights to help shape a stronger and more responsive organization.