Precision Medicine Trilateral Symposium
20/02/2023SANORD Vice-Chair Elections 2023
22/04/2023SANORD DAY April 19th 2023
SANORD Day in association with UiB and HVL hosted a regional engagement on 19 April 2023 at UiB, Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen. Umesh Bawa, Director of SANORD was in attendance to promote collaboration and research opportunities within the network.
Southern African – Nordic Centre (SANORD) is an association of institutions for higher education and research.
The objective is to promote strategic, multilateral academic cooperation between institutions in the Nordic region and the regions of southern Africa.
The program had presentations from both the Nordic and Southern member institutions, highlighting strengthening partnerships and engagement between the global North and South as well as emphasizing the importance of collaborative research.