Call for Proposals to host the 2021 and 2022 Annual Conferences
SANORD 3MT- Competition 2020
10/09/2019The application period for the 2019 Brian O’Connell Scholarship (BOC) is now closed. The due date for the announcement of application results is September 30.
SANORD is committed to enhancing the experiences of internationalization of students from member institutions through the BOC Scholarship Programme, which encourages capacitation and development through student mobility and research collaboration. The BOC Scholarship programme aims to provide such scholarships to students from a SANORD member institution in the Southern African region to spend 3-5 months at a SANORD Nordic member institution for time to work on their research and dissertation. The primary focus will be mobility for academic and research collaboration with our Nordic partners based on scholarly merit.
The BOC Scholarship makes provision for PARTIAL scholarship funding of R84 000 per applicant. Qualifying Master’s students who are registered at a SANORD member institution of higher education in the Southern African region are eligible to apply. Qualifying Master’s students will be required to spend 3 to 5 months at a SANORD Nordic member institution of their choice. Successful candidates will be required to engage in activities that will support the completion of the Master’s degree. Preference will be given to those projects aligned to the SANORD Strategy 2022. (see attached application form) The scholarship
funds will be disbursed during the 2019 academic year.